#52 How I built a multi 6 figure business in 2 years


In today’s episode, I wanted to openly share my business journey with you and how I built my multi 6 figure business in less than 2 years. I’ll begin by taking you all the way back to when I was a fresh faced lawyer practicing criminal law with a strong desire to help people. From here I walk you through my career and the self-development I personally went through when I became a mother.

My values and priorities changed overnight. I realised I never wanted to return to the hectic workload, sleepless nights, and celebrated exhaustion. 

I still had my mission to help people and enrich their lives. I launched my business while I was working in a teaching profession at ANU college. I found the gap in the legal market for educating business owners to set themselves up comprehensively to avoid litigation and disputes. Through my experience, I had seen it all! I wanted to bring this knowledge to as many business owners as possible to help them in their business journeys. 

I’m sharing my story with you today because I believe there are important lessons that can help other business owners handle self-doubt, negativity and obstacles. I’ll impart 7 key takeaways that I want everyone to write down so they can build their businesses on a strong foundation and still have room for incredible growth. 

Grab a pen and paper! I thoroughly enjoyed being open and transparent with you and I hope you take value in my experience. 



[1:50]: I was driven by my desire to help people to begin my career practicing criminal law. I came to realise this wasn’t suited for me so I moved into litigation and dispute resolution and founded my own law firm with a friend for six years.

[3:04]: I learned so much about running a business, legal practice, managing a team, and running a litigation practice. 

[3:51]: I had virtually no life outside of work and it was expected that was required to succeed. 

[4:34]: Having my son allowed me to see through a different lens and celebrated that I was a woman and a mum. I left legal practice when my son was 3 weeks old. 

[5:59]: I secured a teaching position at the ANU college and I achieved a more balanced lifestyle. I spent 5 years teaching at ANU and loved it. 

[8:06]: In early 2019, I decided I was going to create a business that worked for me, my values, my clients and my lifestyle. I would operate a legal practice in a different way. 

[10:05]: Through years spent in litigation and dispute resolution, I had seen everything. I had learned everything that could go wrong for business owners and the consequences. 

[11:24]: I realised I could use my expertise and experience to help business owners set themselves up so they can avoid getting caught up in court cases and disputes. This is my niche. 

[12:13]: My business model is virtual so I can work from home, be present with my family, pick my children up from school, be accessible for clients from anywhere and have balance. 

[13:18]: While I was still at ANU I softly launched my business. The takeaways - Become clear on your ‘why’, your niche and your non-negotiables. 

[14:34]: I realised I needed to work with a business coach. The takeaways - recognise the value you have in your own skillset, work with a coach and outsource to the experts. 

[17:09]: Niching allowed me to have clarity and not waste any time on work that didn’t serve me. 

[17:31]: Instagram paid off significantly for me. I then started my blog and I wanted to reach as many business owners as possible. 

[18:33]: Towards the end of 2019, I left ANU and was fully invested in my business. 

[19:25]: I only took on clients that were aligned with my business mission and I knew I could help. 

[19:51]: My journey wasn’t easy. I faced negativity from my profession and my colleagues. I was told my model wasn’t sustainable and my ‘value-add’ business was naive and would fail. This led to imposter syndrome and self-doubt. However, I pressed on because I believed in what I was doing and had support from my husband. 

[21:25]: The 5th takeaway - self belief. 

[22:52]: I learned that up-levelling in business is uncomfortable, scary, and overwhelming BUT it’s completely worth it. I grew my team and outsourced work. A VA, a copywriter, a bookkeeper, and a junior lawyer joined my team. The 6th takeaway - outsource and grow your team. 

[25:00]: My next step was launching this podcast. I am now able to reach so many more business owners and allowed me to enrich lives. 

[25:59]: A money mindset was critical in my journey and my ability to grow my business to multi six figures in less than 2 years. I originally resisted focusing on money and wasn’t focusing on my numbers at all. It took a lot of work and support from my business coach to work through my feelings around money. 

[28:09]: I was able to bring the business to a position where my husband was able to become a stay at home dad. This allowed me to work full time in my business and focus my attention on my mission. 

[28:48]: The 7th takeaway - work on your money mindset. 

[29:31]: I was able to reach multi six figures from my journey in this episode. There were 7 key takeaways: being clear on my ‘why’ in business, by niching early, recognising my skillset and the skillset of others, working with a business coach, self-belief, outsourcing and growing my team, and working on my money mindset. 


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Tracey Mylecharane