#137 A Legal Health Check for your business

In business, things inevitably evolve and change. Our team grows, we create new offerings or perhaps we decide to take a completely different direction. When these things happen, it’s crucial that we ensure that everything currently happening in our business is reflected in our documents, systems and processes. Today, I take you through the annual legal health checklist that I've developed, so that you can safeguard your business and have that much-needed peace of mind.

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Tracey Mylecharane
#136 Soulful Selling with Ellie Swift

Does the idea of selling feel icky to you? Do you feel hesitant to sell, or think of yourself as not being ‘salesy’? If so, you’re certainly not alone, and many of my clients have expressed feeling this way to me. Today, I’m joined by special guest, marketing and mindset coach Ellie Swift, who is here to change your mind by sharing her approach to selling with soul.

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Tracey Mylecharane
#135 Year's End: Glide or Grind, with Emma McQueen

If you haven’t already, you’ll want to make sure you’re set up for a restful and rejuvenating break at the end of the year. This looks like a challenging task but with proper planning and forethought, it can be easily achieved!

I’m joined again today by special guest and seasoned entrepreneur, Emma McQueen, to talk about the importance of managing your work well as the year comes to a close.

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Tracey Mylecharane
#134 What does it mean to be EMPOWERED in business?

Today, I want to delve deep into the heart of my business ethos – empowerment. In this episode, I'm sharing what empowerment means to me, why it's so essential in the world of business, and how empowerment can transform your business. Empowerment, as I see it, encompasses five essential pillars: trust, access to information, support, confidence, and innovation. In this episode, I’m breaking each of these down.

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Tracey Mylecharane
#133 Is HUSTLE a dirty word? with Emma McQueen

A lot of negative connotations seem to be attached to the word hustle. But today I want to explore this concept a little deeper to understand if hustle really is a dirty word. I’m joined by special guest and seasoned entrepreneur, Emma McQueen, to talk about why hustle has gotten such a bad rap and explore the perhaps overlooked benefits of hard work and determination.

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Tracey Mylecharane
#132 What does success look like for you?

We all know that success isn't a cookie-cutter concept. It's as unique as you and the specific needs of your business. When it comes to preparing your legal documents, it might not seem relevant to take into account what success means to you, but it absolutely is and that’s exactly what I’m talking about today.

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Tracey Mylecharane
#131 Mastering Business Success with Anthony Nader

In this episode, we delve into one of Australia’s most in-demand hairstylist’s journey to becoming an international success with his salon and editorial hairstyling, and learn about his approach to mastering consistent business success. We hear about the incredible experiences he’s had working for big names at Fashion Week, and the passion that drives the success of RAW.

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Tracey Mylecharane
#130 My personal experience engaging a lawyer recently

Recently, life presented me with a situation that led me to be on the other side of the table—now the client seeking legal assistance. Losing my mother was a deeply personal experience that exposed me to the impersonal, complicated and confusing legal world that far too many people encounter. So today I want to share my experience with you to illuminate what this experience should not be.

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Tracey Mylecharane
#129 Are you making THIS mistake in business?

The mistake I find consistently surfaces among business owners is the tendency to put off obtaining tailored legal documents. Your legals should be the first thing you address when setting yourself up for success, and in my opinion, having the right legal framework is not a nice-to-have; it’s a must-have. 

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Tracey Mylecharane
#127 What is peace of mind in business?

In this episode, I want to share with you what peace of mind truly means to me and why it matters so much in business. I've been in the law for two decades and my path has taken me from the stressful and intense world of commercial litigation to now doing everything I can to educate and empower business owners to avoid the heartache I’ve seen so many people experience.

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Tracey Mylecharane
#126 Why the cheapest legal advice is not the best

In this episode, I address one topic that I’m very passionate about and see come up a lot for business owners. That is, whether the cheapest option is really the best. Today I unpack why going cheap on legal advice may lead to unexpected and costly consequences down the road. I share my insight on navigating the often complex landscape of legal services, and discuss why I believe the cheapest legal advice really isn’t the best.

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Tracey Mylecharane
#125 3 things that can happen when you don't have Ts & Cs

I often say that when it comes to protecting yourself in business, prevention is better than cure. As a lawyer who works with small businesses and a small business owner myself, I've always emphasised the importance of having rock solid terms and conditions to protect your business. So today, I'm sharing with you the 3 things that can happen when you don't have Ts & Cs in place.

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Tracey Mylecharane
#124 Online Offerings + Masterclasses - why you need to have your Ts & Cs tailored

When it comes to online offerings and masterclasses, misaligned expectations can often be created when we don’t clearly lay out terms and conditions. This results in confusion when it comes to requests for refunds, participants wanting more time to access content and failed recurring payments. That's why setting boundaries and communicating them through tailored Ts & Cs is so important.

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Tracey Mylecharane
#123 How to use your legals to convert prospects to clients

You may be surprised at how much people pay attention to what they’re signing up to. Whether it’s a program, course or mastermind, prospective clients look for assurance that they’re safe to sign up or hit subscribe. Being clear that you prioritise your legal obligations and comply with consumer law will show that you’re a professional and someone who can be trusted. One way to communicate this is by tailoring your terms and conditions to be consistent with your language and branding.

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Tracey Mylecharane
#122 How to decide where to invest in business

A lot of the work I do with my clients is strategic in nature and one of the things I ask them early on is what they stand for in business. When it comes to deciding where to invest in your business, there is a lot of noise out there about what you should be doing. That’s why it’s critical to understand what you stand for so that you can make informed, sustainable decisions that align with you and your business.

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Tracey Mylecharane
#120 What actually happens if you're sued?

As a small business owner, the idea of being sued can be daunting. The legal process is complex and overwhelming, and the potential consequences can be significant. That's why it's important to understand what actually happens when you're sued, and how to minimise the risk of ending up in court.

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Tracey Mylecharane
#119 EOFY Review + Update

As the end of the financial year approaches, it's the perfect time to review your existing documents, agreements, processes, and systems to ensure that your business is set up for success in the new financial year.

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Tracey Mylecharane