#27 What to do when you're involved in a dispute

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Dispute is a topic that is second nature to me but I’m well aware that it’s not that way for most small business owners. If you’ve been listening to this podcast for a while, you will know that for the first 12 years of my career, I spent the majority of my time in court acting for clients in litigation matters and dispute resolution. 

In this episode, I’m talking about what to do when you’re involved in a dispute. I outline what a dispute is, why they arise and the first place to start if you find yourself in the thick of one. I discuss the importance of going back to your original documentation, taking time to communicate effectively and recording all of your interactions with the other party in writing.

Litigation is something that should not be entered into lightly. If you find yourself in a dispute, there is plenty you can do to resolve the matter using alternative resolution strategies. I talk about some of the options available to you and also how to know when it’s time to get your business lawyer involved.



[1:35]: A dispute in business is a disagreement, misaligned expectations or tricky/uncomfortable circumstances. 

[2:20]: The first place to start if you’re in a dispute is to go back to the documentation. Understand what it says and who it supports. 

[3:20]: If a dispute occurs, make sure all interactions with the client from that point are recorded in writing. 

[4:45]: Many disputes arise because important details weren’t clarified in communications and expectations become misaligned. 

[8.40]: If you’ve gone through these steps and things still aren’t resolved, that is the time to get your business lawyer involved and get advice on your options.

Tracey Mylecharane