#22 Outsourcing in your business - why you need a written agreement

Episode 21.png

Outsourcing in your business is brilliant. There is so much that can be gained from hiring the right people with the right skills, to help you move your business forward. However, if the right agreements aren’t in place, it can cause more problems than it is worth sometimes.

In this episode, I outline why written agreements are so powerful in setting clear expectations, deadlines and deliverables. 

A lot of the time when it comes to outsourcing, we are in a rush. As a result of this, we can hire quickly without really nutting out the details and expectations. This can cause issues when we receive the project back as we might not be happy with the work that was performed. We then have an invoice to pay for work that has not met our expectations.

This is why I find it is always best to have your documentation sorted out to avoid further headaches and frustration down the track.



[1:06]: Today we’re discussing what happens when you don’t have an agreement in place when outsourcing

[1:36]: Outsourcing is fantastic, but we need to do it properly otherwise it causes more problems than it’s worth

[2:40]: When we get the final product back from the person that we outsourced to, if we haven’t outlined the expectations thoroughly, there can be disappointment and confusion.

[3:30]: It can cause awkwardness, hurt feelings and an invoice to pay for a product that we’re not entirely happy with

[4:00]: If you are outsourcing, you need to have a document in place that can be tweaked, negotiate any fine points and you’re clear on all the deliverables

[5:00]: Once you have a document in place, you are all super clear on what is expected and if any issues arise, you’re able to fall back on this document for resolution

[5:18]: It doesn’t matter how small your business is, or small the project is - having documents in place will cover you and help the job go smoothly

[5:46]: Is an email enough to cover you if you haven’t had time to draft up a formal agreement?

[6:23]: Although an email may cover you, the fact that you’re now engaging a lawyer to help resolve, means that the communication you have had thus far hasn’t worked

[7:22]: By having your agreement in place, you can be assured that you are covered, the work has been set out so that everyone is on the same page and the work you receive will be what you are expecting.

Brianna Ansaldo