#49 In conversation with Brianna Ansaldo


Many business owners are dying to begin their own podcasts but don’t feel like they have enough time to produce them. I’m asked frequently how I manage to fit in my show amongst all of the other hats that I’m wearing. My next guest is here to share with you exactly how I manage it and all of the steps involved in delivering each episode. 

I’m chatting with my amazing podcast editor, Brianna Ansaldo from Bamby Media. I’m very excited to be bringing you Brianna today because she is the powerhouse behind my podcast show and is sharing all of her expertise with you. 

I never have to worry about my podcast. Each week, all I have to do is record my episode and upload it. Brianna and her team handle every other aspect involved to deliver a professional episode that’s enjoyable to listen to. 

Brianna discusses the exact process she and her team follow to produce each episode. I’m astounded by the complexity of the tasks because I’ve never had to think about them - she handles everything! Podcasting is certainly a commitment and something I definitely recommend outsourcing to a podcast editor you trust.

Brianna talks about her journey beginning her company Bamby Media and how she has scaled it into such a successful business. She has managed to grow her company with two young children whilst running her own podcast (Pump Up Your Pod) and community (The Pod Lovers). 

Podcasting can be an enormous amount of hard work if you go it alone. Brianna graciously shares her top pointers to create a remarkable podcast that your audience will absolutely love listening to. 

After listening to thousands of hours of podcasts, she is an absolute wealth of knowledge and experience. I’m so grateful to have her on my show today to share with you all of her tips, advice, and the common mistakes she has found to ensure you deliver an incredible podcast. 



[1:17]: Brianna and her team have helped me get this podcast up and running this year. They do everything for me to produce this show, all I have to do is record the episode and upload it. 

[1:40]: Nothing stresses Brianna out. It’s a dream working with Bamby Media. 

[2:23]: People often believe that doing a podcast will take up enormous amounts of time, but it actually only takes up 30 minutes a week for me because Bamby Media does everything else. 

[2:37]: Brianna agrees that podcasting is a lot of work if you’re doing everything yourself and you already have another job running your business. 

[3:44]: Brianna discusses the process that Bamby Media goes through to deliver each episode. 

[4:26]: Bamby Media employs specialised editing for each client depending on their brand and content. 

[6:54]: I trusted Brianna before I met her because she had been so highly recommended and she talked my language. 

[7:10]: I love recording my podcast and I never have to worry about anything. My audience loves the snippets we share on socials. 

[7:30]: Brianna can tell the people who are loving recording podcasts because of the way they sound in their voice.

[8:17]: Brianna has been running Bamby Media for almost 7 years. When she started it was just her, she had a baby and was living in Cairns. She used to be a professional singer-songwriter and composer for many years. She did a degree in music production and worked in studios.

[8:50]: When she had her baby, she found touring not to be conducive to family life so she pivoted and fell in love with producing podcasts. 

[9:22]: When her husband joined the team 2 years ago, the business really took off. Her children are now 4 and 7 years old, and her business just keeps growing. 

[10:05]: Giving people a voice and a method to deliver their content is a key driver for Brianna. 

[10:33]: Brianna shares tips for new podcasters. #1 If you’re going to start one, you need to think about why you want to start it. Don’t just start one because everyone else has one. It is a weekly commitment so you must feel passion for it otherwise you’ll dread it. 

[11:23]: #2 Design a structure around what you’re going to deliver. Bamby Media uses a Production Schedule where clients can map out the type of content they want to map out. Have a list of 50-60 episode ideas before you do anything. 

[12:42]: Brianna shares the mistakes early podcasters make. #1 Not investing in a good quality microphone. She recommends the Rode NT USB or the Rode NT USB Mini

[14:11]: #2 Make sure you have enough time to record your episodes. People often get excited to begin recording but don’t schedule it into their weeks to record it and fall behind. 

[14:43]: I recommend working with a Podcast Editor that you trust - don’t do it yourself. 

[15:10]: Brianna has a community called ‘The Pod Lovers’. It’s a completely free place where people who have a podcast or are looking to have one can go and learn all about podcasting. Brianna curates the information inside the group. She shares the questions that her clients ask her in the group so everyone can learn from the answers. 

[16:55]: The best business advice Brianna has received was from her father. She learned to take risks in business by watching him in his entrepreneur businesses. 

[18:37]: The worst business advice was also from her father. He would work 7 days a week and Brianna felt that to be successful she had to work as hard as her father working constantly. 

[19:44]: Brianna can’t define what she would tell her younger self because she had such an amazing and fun childhood.


Where to find Brianna: 

Website: https://www.bambymedia.com/ 

Instagram: @bamby_media

Brianna’s Community: The Pod Lovers Community

Brianna’s Podcast: Pump Up Your Pod

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Tracey Mylecharane