#61 How to deal with Digital Overwhelm, with Dr Kristy Goodwin

How do deal with digital overwhelm

Overwhelm is something business owners experience all the time. In more recent years, particularly throughout the pandemic, our digital load has increased to the point where it’s leading many business owners to digital overwhelm. 

My conversation today with the incredible Dr Kristy Goodwin is one of the most inspirational conversations I’ve had in a very long time. Dr Kristy is a digital wellbeing and neuro-productivity speaker, author and researcher. We talk today about what digital overwhelm is, why it impacts us so much and what we can do to combat it. 

In this episode, Dr Kristy sheds light on the way our brains function and why we must create sustainable digital habits that work with our biological blueprint. We talk about how to work in alignment with your neurobiology by understanding your chronotype, prioritising rest and establishing healthy digital boundaries. 

Dr Kristy also busts the multitasking myth and explains why it’s foolish to even try! As business owners, it’s vital that we let go of the guilt and pressure to be responsive and productive at all times. We must see rest as a responsibility, not as a reward. 

I have no doubt that this conversation is going to be a game changer for so many of you and help you move forward in your business in a way that replenishes you.



[2:30]: The pandemic increased most people’s digital load. Our palaeolithic brains are designed to seek information when it suits us but we are being constantly bombarded with information.  

[4:00]: The information isn’t only constant but it also comes in huge volumes. We can’t outperform our neurobiology - we have to work in ways that suit our brains and bodies.

[5:30]: People think they are the only ones feeling overwhelmed and think they need a better productivity solution. The root of the problem is that we are working against our neurobiology and not creating sustainable digital habits. 

[7:00]: Do a digital audit and eradicate any that aren’t essential. Establish your digital guardrails and politely communicate your “techspectations” to colleagues and clients 

[10:00]: We’ve bought into the hustle culture that says we have to be instantly responsive but this replacing busyness with productivity.

[10:30]: I feel guilty because I’ve bucked the trend to work more flexibly and feel pressure to be available at all times. We have superimposed the industrialised working culture into the digital world and we need to redefine what being productive is.

[12:40]: When we work in line with our biology, our output is far greater. Your chronotype determines whether you’re a morning, middle or night person and this is determined by a gene. Structure your work day so that you’re doing your deep thinking during your peak performance window. 

[15:30]: For most knowledge workers, email is their achilles heel. It’s not usually productive or deep work. Kristy recommends turning off notifications during the peak performance windows. 

[16:50]: Once you are distracted by digital or physical interruptions, it takes on average 23 minutes to get back into deep work. This is called the resumption lag. 

[18:00]: By necessity, we multitask but our brains can’t actually do it. We burn through our brain’s glucose, release cortisol, and error rates increase exponentially. 

[21:50]: Our workloads and way of working over the pandemic is leading to digital burnout. Take regular breaks, which Kristy calls peak performance pitstops. 

[23:00]: Think of your brain like a battery. Things like video calls and multi tasking will deplete the battery. To replenish, you need to take regular micro breaks all throughout the day. 40 seconds in nature will reduce stress levels. 

[25:00]: Mezo breaks are also important - take at least 2 hours each week where you’re not doing anything on a screen. Macro breaks - monthly 1-2 days off to recharge. 

[27:00]: It feels very indulgent to take time out but it’s essential and foolish not to. We need to see rest as a responsibility, not as a reward. 

[28:30]: If you don’t take preventative steps to counter digital burnout, it will come at you when you don’t expect and impact you severely 

[30:45]: Where to find Dr Kristy 


Where to find Dr Kristy: 

Take the Chronotype Quiz here 

Download her e-book “Five Essential Digital Productivity Hacks” here

Check out my course Getting Paid Made Easy here

Get your copy of my Annual Legal Checklist here

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Tracey Mylecharane