Unlocking Success Through Mindset Shifts


In this blog, I’m excited to share my journey of transforming my virtual law practice into a multi six figure success story in less than two years. No need for complex jargon—just straightforward sharing on what I did that made a significant impact for me.

1. Embrace Unconventional Thinking:

Embarking on my virtual law practice journey meant stepping away from the traditional norms. I embraced the power of doing things differently. Your business doesn't have to stick to the well-trodden path. Yes, I faced some skepticism (plenty of it actually!), but daring to be unconventional turned out to be the secret sauce to my success.

I explored new approaches, challenged the status quo, and I was open to innovation. It's often the road less travelled that leads to unique and groundbreaking outcomes for your business.

2. Harness the Power of Numbers with Confidence:

Understanding the business metrics is undeniably crucial, but you don't need to be a mathematical genius. Whilst I wasn’t keen to dive deep into the numbers early on, I eventually leaned in and embraced the numerical side, and I did it in a way that didn’t compromise my authenticity or my WHY in this business.

It's not about drowning in data; it's about finding a balance that aligns with your values and serves your clients. It took me some time to find my way, but now I handle the numbers with confidence and strategic intent.

If this resonates with you (as I am sure it will for many!), I encourage you to take a measured approach to metrics, making sure the numbers not only guide your decisions but also complement your commitment to putting clients at the forefront and serving your clients in the way you want to. Striking this balance will be the key to sustainable growth.

3. Strategic Investments for Future-Proofing:

Investing in yourself and your business is akin to planting seeds for future success. Initially, I hesitated, apprehensive about investing too much into an area that was so new (and there's no denying that a virtual legal practice was VERY new). The time came though when I knew it was time to either go all in, or stay small. I went all in.

The takeaway here is that I would not hesitate to go all in again, but I would do it sooner. If this is you, take the plunge. Invest in learning, in building your brand, in quality. It's not just okay; it's necessary.

So, here it is - I encourage you to embrace unconventional thinking, navigate numbers with confidence, and making strategic investments. These mindset shifts are not just about growing your business; they're about fostering a unique, authentic, and sustainable success story. Back yourself and go all in, I don’t regret a minute of it.

This topic is also discussed in Episode #148 3 Mindset Shifts I Made To Build a Multi 6 Figure Business of the Rise Up in Business podcast. You may also find our Building Your Small Business - The Beginner’s Handbook to be a helpful resource that you might like to refer to on your business journey.
