The Cost of Buying Cheap in Business


In a world where the pursuit of affordability and instant gratification often prevails, it is crucial for business owners to pause and reflect on the true value of their investments. In a recent podcast I was listening to, a well-established business expert shared a thought-provoking comment: "In what world is the cheapest the best?" This statement resonated with me on so many levels, because it shone a light on the pitfalls of prioritising cost over quality.

In this blog post, we will explore the concept of buying cheap in business and the potential long-term costs that this can have, particularly in the context of legal services. Drawing from real-life examples, we will dive in and look at the potential repercussions of hasty, inexpensive purchases and emphasise the importance of making informed, intentional choices that align with the needs and goals of your business.

Understanding the Pitfalls

We have all no-doubt heard this a time or two: "buy cheap, buy twice". But the true significance of what this really means probably only becomes apparent with experience.

Consider the scenario of making an impulse buy of some sort of low-quality household item (such as blinds, bedding, soft furnishings, or even a blender). Then think about what happens when they end up falling apart after a few uses, or washes. Not only is this bound to be frustrating, but the need to then buy a replacement means that the instant gratification sought when making the purchase completely backfired.

This principle extends to the realm of business. In business, cutting corners often leads to lower-quality outcomes. Legal fees serve as a fabulous example. In my experience when clients opt for inexpensive templates or generic advice, they often find themselves in a situation where the template doesn’t do what it was supposed to (such as prevent disputes, or protect the business from refund requests), and the shortcuts that seemed like a good idea at the time, ended up costing more – leaving the business in the position of needing to engage a lawyer to take care of things properly.

The False Economy of Cheap Solutions

Many clients approach me after they have experienced challenges resulting from legal purchases that were not tailored to their needs. These situations highlight the misconception that the cheapest option is always the most cost-effective one. While it is important to consider budget and cash flow, it is equally vital to distinguish between making informed decisions based on a careful assessment and making misguided attempts to save money without fully understanding the significance of the investment.

Choosing a $100 template (for example) instead of paying $1500 to work with an experienced business lawyer may appear to be a good deal on a cost-comparative level, but this reasoning alone is fundamentally flawed. It fails to consider the potential negative consequences and unexpected expenses that can arise from using an unreliable, low-quality solution that doesn’t fully protect your business.

Investing in Quality

As professionals we take our work seriously, we understand the importance of our expertise and it is our mission to empower you to view your business and service in the same way. Significant gains come from investing in services that align with the goals and values you have set for your business, and recognising this helps to set you up for success. For example, establishing a strong legal foundation requires the guidance of a lawyer who takes time to understand your business, and offers personalised advice and customised documents that meet your individual needs.

Clarity, Planning, and Targeted Investments

In order to make well-informed decisions and effectively allocate your resources, it is essential to gain a clear understanding of your business objectives and prioritise your needs accordingly. This allows you to make choices that will have a positive impact on your business in the long run and invest your money with purpose and intention. Rather than simply opting for the cheapest option available, it is wise to strategically invest in areas such as branding, web design, legal services, and other critical components that directly contribute to the reputation and overall success of your business.

The Repercussions of Buying Cheap on Reputation

While the financial cost of purchasing cheap products or services is easily quantifiable, it is vital not to overlook the potential impact on the reputation of your business. In today's highly competitive market, the quality and professionalism of your business matters more than ever.

To explore this, let's consider the example of launching a podcast. When business owners choose to cut corners by handling the editing themselves or hiring the cheapest service provider available, this often results in low audio quality that reflects poorly on their business.

From a listener's perspective, if you tune into a podcast that sounds unprofessional and is poorly edited, what impression does this leave you with? It suggests that the host doesn't prioritise quality or lacks the necessary expertise. Listeners are likely to question the credibility of the content and quickly move on to other podcasts that offer a more polished and professional experience.

The same principle applies to other aspects of your business such as website design, branding, marketing materials and your legal documents. If you choose to use low-quality templates or take shortcuts on design, potential clients may perceive your business in a negative light. In a digital landscape where first impressions matter, you cannot afford to compromise on quality.

Remember, your reputation is one of your most valuable assets. It takes time and immense effort to build trust and establish yourself as a leader in your industry. However, your reputation can be easily tarnished by poor quality and/or a lack of professionalism. A negative impact on the reputation of your business can be difficult to overcome and may result in missed opportunities and lost business.

Therefore, when making decisions about where to invest your resources, consider the long-term implications for your reputation. Strive for excellence, even if it means allocating more funds upfront because when you invest in quality services, professionals, and products that align with your business’s values, you demonstrate your commitment to delivering a superior experience to your customers. This in turn helps to set you apart from your competitors.

In conclusion, the repercussions of buying cheap extend far beyond the financial costs. Investing in the right resources now can save you from costly damage control in the future. Be intentional about where you spend your money, seek out aligned professionals, and make informed decisions that support the growth and sustainability of our businesses.

If you would like support in your business to help set you up for success, book with us for a free 20-minute chat here.

I discuss this topic in more detail in the episode Why Buying Cheap Costs More in Business on the Rise Up in Business podcast, which you may also find helpful.

In addition, my Legal Advice for Small Business guide is another helpful resource to reference.
